Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer der Sommerschule in der Commerzbank Arena (Frankfurt am Main)


The international Sports Management Summer Schools at the University of Jena offer a unique opportunity for professional, methodological and cultural exchange.
Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer der Sommerschule in der Commerzbank Arena (Frankfurt am Main)
Image: Sciamus GmbH

Discipline: Sports Economics, Sports Management & Sports Marketing

Lecturer of the summer school Frank Daumann in front of the participants

Image: UralGUFK

As part of the “Sport Economics & Management” Summer School, scientific-theoretical and application-related knowledge of sports economics and sports management (including sports marketing) is imparted. This specialisation is generally dedicated to the application of economic and business management instruments to individual areas of sport. Sport economics deals with the analysis, explanation and prognosis of the phenomenon “sport” and the actions of the relevant actors. This information allows to derive cause-and-effect relationships that can be observed on both an economic and a business level. The knowledge gained from this in turn forms the basis for sports management and sports marketing.

The teaching content of the Summer School consists of the following three main areas in accordance with the previously explained subject area:

  • Sports Economics,
  • Sports Management and
  • Sports Marketing.

All the lectures and excursions are held in English.

Within the framework of these focal points, the programme includes topics that, on the one hand, convey the basic knowledge and, on the other hand, are highly relevant to science and practice, such as digitisation in sport, economic consideration of manipulations in sport and dealing with gender-related salary differences in sport.

Teaching goals

Prof. Dr André Bühler, lecturer at the Summer School 2013

Image: Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • Imparting of general economic understanding of economics and business administration for sports market and sports businesses processes
  • Providing of theoretical knowledge in light of current research in sports economics, sports management and sports marketing
  • Imparting of possibilities to apply business administration and economics tools in different sports areas
  • Increasing of the participants' intercultural competencies and their abilities to communicate in an international and technical context

Innovative concept links theory and practice

The participants of the Summer School at the Red Bull Race

Image: Staatliche Akademie für Körperkultur, Sport und Tourismus des Wolgagebiets

The summer school uses an innovative and internationally proven teaching concept that bridges the gap between theory and practice. The course program consists of two types of classes: On the one hand, scientific-theoretical lectures and seminars are scheduled, which are complemented by practical exercises. Practical sessions include case studies, project work and numerous excursions to sports companies. Regarding the educational goals of the summer school, the concept is designed to encourage a fruitful exchange between the theoretical content of the course and its practical application.

Renowned lecturers

The lecturers of the Summer School in Chelyabinsk in 2016

Image: UralGUFK

Leading lecturers from Germany run the educational process at the Summer School. At summer schools abroad they are usually supported by the lecturers and experts from the host country. The German team of lecturers is characterised by extensive, international teaching, research and publication experience among other things. The following lecturers have been taking part in the project since 2012:

  • Prof. Dr Markus Breuer (SRH University of Applied Sciences in Heidelberg): 2015 –2019
  • Prof. Dr André Bühler (HfWU Nürtingen-Geislingen): 2013
  • Prof. Dr Frank Daumann (Friedrich Schiller University Jena): 2013 – 2019, 2021
  • Dr Gerald Fritz (Head of the DOSB Leadership Academy): 2021
  • Prof. Dr Gerd Nufer (ESB Reutlingen – Business School): 2013
  • Prof. Dr Christoph Rasche (University of Potsdam): 2014, 2016 – 2019, 2021
  • Prof. Dr Benedikt Römmelt (SRH University of Applied Sciences in Heidelberg): 2021
  • Dr Norbert Schütte (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz): 2021
  • Prof. Dr Peter Thuy (Bad Honnef University of Applied Sciences): 2015

Cultural exchange, sport and relaxation

Participants of the Summer School in Kazan

Image: Staatliche Akademie für Körperkultur, Sport und Tourismus des Wolgagebiets

In addition to lectures the Summer School also provides its international participants with an exciting accompanying cultural programme. Its aim is to bring the participants closer to German culture and lifestyle as well as study and research process in Germany. The summer schools in Germany and abroad offer excursions to places of German history. In addition, the graduation ceremonies are followed by a traditional "German evening" devoted to German food culture, music and traditions.

Other joint events also contribute to cultural exchange. During the Summer School, the participants can try out exciting sports themselves. For example, curling, horseback riding and sport fishing were on the program of summer schools in Russia. In addition, the participants attend major sporting events as spectators.